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Kluzenheimer to Junior Steward | Sofia the First

Published on 30 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

This Episode of Sofia the First is called Baileywhoops

Sofia tries to convince Baileywick not to retire by promising to do more that will make things easier for him, like carrying things for him and serving the meals, but Baileywick has made his decision. He appreciates everything Sofia has done for him and gives her the serpent pin Slickwell gave him before leaving to pack. Suddenly, Sofia and Clover both have clumsiness attacks that helps Sofia realize that Baileywick did not get clumsy until Slickwell gave him the pin. Realizing the pin is what made Baileywick clumsy, they decide to confront Slickwell about it. Slickwell is in the kitchen ordering the servants around in Baileywick's place, but his manner is far less polite and they are very annoyed as a result. When Sofia and Clover get to the kitchen, the pin causes Sofia to fall and knock Slickwell's bag off the table. Inside it, she finds a book called The Beginner's Guide To Magically Cursed Objects. Reading it, they find out that the pin is called the Pin of Klutzenheimer, a cursed pin that puts a clumsiness curse on anyone who even touches it. Because of these discoveries, Sofia and Clover both realize Slickwell gave the Pin to Baileywick on purpose so he could steal the latter's job. Sofia tells Clover to make sure Slickwell doesn't get away with it and goes off to tell Baileywick of her findings.

From Disney

#SofiatheFirst #Disney #DisneyJunior

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